Real Detox Explained: Understanding Your Body's Natural Processes

As summer approaches, we all yearn for that fresh, energized feeling that comes with the season, and we want to feel fantastic in our skin. Meanwhile, the buzz about detox is inescapable—from your local juice bar to your Instagram feed, it seems everyone has a method or product that promises to cleanse your system and enhance your well-being.

But before you dive into any detox regimen, it's crucial to understand what detoxification really involves and how to approach it wisely. It’s not just about recovering from a weekend of indulgence; it's about supporting your body's natural processes every single day.

detox, toxins, chemicals

Understanding Detoxification

Let’s clear up what a detox entails. Detox is an ongoing, natural, cellular process where our bodies work tirelessly to eliminate unwanted toxins, chemicals, and waste. This happens automatically to keep us in tip-top shape without conscious effort.

However, it’s crucial to recognize that while our bodies are designed to handle a baseline level of toxins—including those we produce internally—our modern environment constantly bombards us with higher levels of external toxins. Between the chemicals in our skincare and cleaning products, the exhaust fumes from our daily commutes, the glyphosate in our food, and the pervasive plastics around us (plus much more), we're up against a lot.

Moreover, some of these modern toxins can closely mimic our body’s molecules, which can throw a wrench in the works, leading to hormonal imbalances and immune issues. These extra loads can push our natural detox pathways to their limits and affect our systems on many levels. That’s why giving a little extra love and attention to these systems can go a long way in boosting our overall health.

The Myth of Quick-Fix Detox Diets

I know those quick-fix detox diets are tempting with their promises of instant weight loss and energy spikes. Who wouldn’t be tempted? But, as tempting as they are, these short-term solutions can lead to unhealthy eating cycles that don’t support sustainable health. They often gloss over the fundamental reasons our bodies need continual support, not just a superficial cleanse, and they can also backfire if your body isn’t ready to support them. Think of it this way: opting for a quick detox is like using concealer to hide a blemish rather than nurturing your skin to heal from within.

Your Body’s Detox Team

The key players of our body’s detoxification team are the liver and kidneys, with valuable support from the lymphatic system, digestive tract, skin, brain, and lungs. These organs collaborate seamlessly to filter out toxins, ensuring they’re rounded up and cleared out efficiently.

The Different Phases of Detoxification

Detox is an intricate process involving several crucial cellular phases (Cline, 2015). When toxin buildup is heavier than usual, activating these phases more intentionally may be beneficial, but whether or not we do this, this natural process is constantly occurring. Here’s how things go down:

  • Phase 1: Biotransformation-

    In the body, toxins are first broken down and made water-soluble so that they can be excreted via urine or bile. This process can initially increase their toxicity, so making it to Phase 2 is essential here. 

  • Phase 2: Conjugation-

    This phase is the body's way of packing up toxins so they can be safely thrown out. After Phase 1 makes the toxins water-soluble, Phase 2 attaches small molecules to them, making them even easier to remove from the body. This happens through special chemical reactions that take different toxins down different pathways, each needing specific nutrients to work properly.

  • Phase 3: ELIMINATION

    Finally, these transformed, less harmful substances are moved out of the cell where they can be eliminated. But here’s the thing…Once the toxins have been prepped for removal and are outside the cell, they are still inside the body and have to have an exit plan. 

Managing Your Body's Detox

Just as you wouldn’t start knocking down walls without a plan for debris removal, your body needs a well-coordinated detox strategy. Ensure that the exit routes are clear (Phase 3) before you start breaking down toxins (Phase 1) and that everything is set up to handle whatever comes up during the process (Phase 2).

gut health, probiotic, fiber

Daily Detox as a Lifestyle

Supporting your body’s detox isn’t just an occasional affair; it’s a daily commitment to maintaining a lifestyle that keeps your internal environment clean and efficient. Here are some ways that you can do this:

Nourish with Nutrient-Rich Foods 

Fuel up with a diet rich in nutrient-rich foods, packed with antioxidants and fiber that help keep the detox organs in top form. Nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants are crucial during detoxification (Hodges & Minich, 2015). Here are some of our top go-to suggestions:

  1. Fill your home with plant-based foods for the highest concentration of nutrients your body needs to run each detox phase. Leafy greens, beets, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, spinach, asparagus, garlic, avocado, onions, cabbage, and ginger, as well as lean protein sources such as chicken, eggs, or lentils, are all great options for boosting the body’s ability to detoxify. 

  2. It's also vital to minimize the intake of processed foods and sugars, which can hinder the body's natural detox processes. 

  3. Check out our comprehensive guide here for guidance on constructing a balanced, detox-friendly plate and incorporating anti-inflammatory foods into your diet. We even use this with clients!

Maximize Detox with a Healthy Gut 

A well-functioning gut is crucial for effective detoxification. It helps eliminate toxins, supports your immune system, improves nutrient absorption, and maintains a healthy microbiome. Here’s how you can actively support your gut health to boost detoxification:

  1. Incorporate Probiotics: Add probiotic-rich foods like sauerkraut (you can always opt for a flavored one here), kimchi, fermented coconut yogurt (we love Cocojune), kefir, greek yogurt, etc. You could also consider a probiotic supplement to help maintain a healthy gut flora. Feel free to browse our online, therapeutic-grade dispensary here.

  2. Eat Prebiotic Foods: Foods like green bananas, onions, garlic, jicama, endive, flaxseed, chicory, or resistant starches, like cooked and cooled beans, lentils, or peas, feed and maintain your good gut bacteria.

  3. Add bone broth to your soups (or heat it and sip on it solo) to help nourish and protect your gut lining.

  4. Limit Processed Foods and Sugars: These can disrupt your digestive system and impede your gut's ability to process and eliminate toxins effectively.

  5. Manage Stress: It's important to remember that stress can take a toll on your gut health and hinder your body's detoxification efforts. To counteract this, make time for stress-relieving activities. Consider incorporating calming practices like meditation, yoga, 4-7-8 breathing, or a leisurely walk into your daily routine. Remember, setting aside time for yourself (even if you can only get in 15 minutes) is not selfish! Not only is it vital for your well-being, but it’s also beneficial for everyone around you.

Make Sure You’re Eliminating

If you’re not having BM’s every day, then it’s not time to start a detox until this is the case. Here are some ways to help keep things moving. 

  1. Stay Hydrated: Aim to drink half of your body weight in ounces each day. If this sounds tedious or you find it challenging to keep up with, try carrying around a large stainless-steel water bottle and adding some flavored electrolytes to make it more delicious. A couple that we love are LMNT and Trace Minerals ZEROLyte.

  2. Consider more fiber (this could be in supplement form, food, or both). The best sources of fiber are fruits and vegetables. If you need additional support, you could try adding ground chia and flax seeds to your diet. If you are not used to consuming a lot of fiber, you’ll want to take this process slow by gradually adding it in. Sunfiber is also an excellent fiber powder that can be added to your coffee or morning beverage for additional support.

  3. If you’re experiencing constipation, nutrients like magnesium citrate or Vitamin C could also help get things moving. If you opt for one of these, quality is key, and you’ll want to make sure you choose a form that has been well-sourced (you’re welcome to check out our dispensary for our recommendations and 15% off).

fitness, lymphatic system, sweat

Move Your Body and Sweat it Out!

Staying active is not just about fitness; it's essential for keeping your lymphatic system flowing smoothly. This system plays a crucial role in detoxification by transporting waste products away from your tissues. 

  • Regular movement, such as a brisk walk or a yoga session, helps stimulate lymph flow, which supports your body’s natural detox processes.

  • Dry brushing is another excellent option for assistance with moving lymph through your body.

  • Don’t underestimate the power of a good sweat. Once toxins have been released from your cells, saunas can be a great way to rid them from your body (and as a bonus, this can aid in relaxation!)

Avoid New Toxins 

Though some toxin intake is uncontrollable, thankfully, much of it is! It might be time to evaluate all the chemicals you’re exposed to daily. You can keep things clean by choosing natural personal care and household products. Reducing new toxin intake is just as important as eliminating old ones.

  • For everyday items, you can download the EWG Healthy Living app to help you navigate this process. They are adamant about complete transparency and will break down all toxins and chemicals used in products, along with a grade for cleanliness. 

  • Check your labels: Try using the EWG’s Skin Deep database or Think-Dirty for skincare. It's essential to choose products without parabens, sulfates, phthalates, and synthetic fragrances, to name a few. 

  • Consider swapping your cleaning products for a clean and natural form, such as Branch Basics (which you can use for everything from laundry detergent to an all-purpose cleaner). Additional brands we like here are Seventh Generation, ECOS, Dirty Labs, and Truly Free.

  • What are you cooking with? If your pots and pans are slightly banged up, consider replacing them with a safer option. Once they get nicked, the metals underneath can easily seep out. We recommend cooking with stainless steel, cast iron, or ceramic pans.

  • Avoid plastic: Reducing plastic use is crucial to reduce exposure to harmful chemicals. Plastics often contain substances like BPA and phthalates, which can disrupt hormonal balance and contribute to various health issues. Whenever possible, choose alternatives to plastic, especially in items that come into contact with your food or skin. Opt for glass, stainless steel, or bamboo options.

supplements, detoxification

Consider Helpful Supplements

Certain supplements can support your detox pathways by ensuring your body has all the nutrients it needs for each detoxification phase. Though we always recommend a food-first approach, getting everything we need from our daily diets can sometimes be challenging. To determine precisely what your body could benefit from, you may want to chat with a practitioner to help determine what is best for your individual situation.

When More Support Is Needed

While embedding these healthy habits into your daily life lays a solid foundation, sometimes your body needs a focused detox boost. Symptoms for this are wide-ranging, but sometimes it can look like sluggishness, lack of focus, headaches, fatigue, allergies, and sinus issues…and the list goes on…because everything is connected. When you feel like something is dragging you down, or even as an occasional practice, a planned, active detox might help. 

When going that route, it can be helpful to consult with a professional to help ensure that your detox pathways are clear and that your body is primed to handle the detox without stressing your system, as well as provide you with tailored recommendations. This might include a special meal plan, targeted exercise, specific supplements to enable the process, and lifestyle adjustments that support deeper detoxification.

The Bottom Line

Detox is not just a quick cleanse or a temporary fix—it’s about building and maintaining a healthy system that supports detoxification every day. You create an environment that naturally supports detoxification by nourishing, moving, and caring for your body with thoughtfulness and consistency.

Remember, every little step towards supporting your body’s natural processes adds up to big wins in your overall health and vitality. So, whether you’re integrating more fibrous foods into your meals, getting an extra hour of sleep, or sweating it out in the sauna, you’re contributing to your body’s innate ability to detox. And when you choose to engage in an active detox, do it safely and smartly with professional guidance, ensuring that your daily habits have set the stage for success.

By embracing these principles, you’re not just detoxing—you're living a lifestyle that continuously enhances your health, paving the way for long-term wellness beyond seasonal trends and delivering lasting benefits.


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