How to Stick to a Supplement Routine

Supplements for health

One might assume that adhering to a diet rich in whole, fresh, unprocessed foods should naturally provide an ample array of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients.

Regrettably, the reality is more complex. Even with a healthy diet, various factors come into play. These include depleted soils, the handling and transportation of food, genetic modifications of traditional heirloom crops, and the escalating stress and nutritional requirements stemming from our increasingly toxic environment. Together, these factors render it virtually impossible to rely exclusively on food for the vitamins and minerals our bodies demand.

The evidence unequivocally points to the necessity of nutritional supplements.  Supplements play an integral role in our holistic journey with our clients. These little powerhouses aid in bridging nutritional gaps, combatting gut pathogens, expediting recovery, and more.

Nevertheless, let's admit it: maintaining a consistent supplement regimen can feel quite cumbersome! πŸ’Š

To harness the full potential of supplementation, we must be consistent. With the countless demands of our daily lives, it's no wonder many of us struggle with this challenge.

Let’s explore some of our favorite strategies for keeping up with what we consider to be a very important health habit.  With a little bit of organization, we can get you on your way to a successful path to healing, recovery, and optimal wellness.

1. Out of Sight, Out of Mind

morning, supplement routine, habits

Remember the age-old adage? If your supplements remain hidden away in a cupboard, it's easy to forget them. To cultivate a new habit, piggyback on an existing one. If you need to take something on an empty stomach in the morning, place it beside your toothbrush. Store daytime supplements on your kitchen counter and nighttime ones on your bedside table. This way, you'll be reminded during your daily routines.

2. Embrace a Pill Organizer

Organizer for nutritional supplements

This handy tool proves invaluable when you're at home or on the go. Dedicate a few minutes each week to organize your supplements for the upcoming days. Review your protocol, sort your pills, and ensure the organizer remains within your sight throughout the day. If you're traveling and space is limited, consider a compact tackle box for your on-the-go needs.  Find some of our chic favorites here.

3. Set Phone Alarms

alarm, routine, reminders

It may be a simple trick, but it's remarkably effective. Setting alarms on your phone a few times a day as a supplement reminder is an easy way to stay on track.

4. Print Your Supplement Schedule

Create a supplement schedule chart, and don't just keep it on your laptop. Print it out and stick it somewhere that you will see it daily. If you have trouble remembering which supplements to take and when, this visual aid can be a game-changer. Whether your practitioner provides a schedule or you craft one yourself in Google Sheets, make it visible on your fridge, bathroom mirror, supplement drawer, or wherever you can't miss it.

Suppose you're grappling with digestive issues and are seeking guidance on the right supplements to complement your nutrition and lifestyle. In that case, I encourage you to explore our GreenMind Gut Glow Group Program. Here, we work with clients to develop healing plans to restore their gut health. Happy supplementing! πŸ’ͺ🌟


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